Friday, September 19, 2008

Family Hymn List

Our Family Hymns

Table of Contents:
1. A Mighty Fortress
2. Alas! And Did My Savior Bleed
3. All Creatures of Our God and King
4. All Glory, Laud and Honor
5. All Hail the Power of Jesus Name
6. Amazing Grace
7. America the Beautiful
8. And Can it Be
9. As The Deer
10. Be Still My Soul
11. Be Thou My Vision
12. Beneath the Cross
13. Blessed Assurance
14. Blessed Jesus At Thy Word
15. Boundless Salvation
16. Brethren We Have met to Worship
17. Bringing In The Sheaves
18. Brother's Keeper
19. Christ The Lord is Risen Today
20. Come Thou Fount
21. Come Ye Thankful People Come
22. Coram Deo
23. Count Your Blessing
24. Crown Him With Many Crowns
25. Dwelling in Beulah Land
26. Face to Face
27. Fairest Lord Jesus
28. Faithful Men
29. For A Thousand Tongues To Sing
30. Glorious Is Thy Name
31. God Leads Us Along
32. God Our Help in Ages Past
33. Great is Thy Faithfulness
34. Hallelujah What a Savior
35. Higher Ground
36. Himself
37. His Sheep Am I
38. How Firm a Foundation
39. Immortal, Invisible
40. In the Sweet By and By
41. It Is Well With My Soul
42. Jesus Shall Reign
43. Joyful, Joyful
44. Just As I Am
45. Lead On O King eternal
46. Leaning on The Everlasting Arms
47. Low in The Grave He Lay
48. Marching to Zion
49. May The Mind Of Christ My Savior
50. May The Mind of Christ My Savior
51. More About Jesus
52. My Anchor Holds
53. My Country Tis of Thee
54. My Hope is Built
55. My Jesus I Love Thee
56. Near The Cross
57. Nearer My God to Thee
58. Now Thank We All Our God
59. Onward Christian Soldiers
60. Our God Reigns
61. Pass Me Not
62. Praise God For the Body
63. Praise Him, Praise Him
64. Rejoice The Lord is King
65. Rock of Ages
66. Sacred Head
67. Savior Like a Shepherd Lead us
68. Softly and Tenderly
69. Soldiers of Christ Arise
70. Sound the Battle Cry
71. Spirit Of God Descend Upon My Heart
72. Springs of Living Water
73. That Will be Glory
74. The Church's One Foundation
75. (O)The Deep, Deep Love of Jesus
76. The Star-Spangled Banner
77. There's Power in the Blood
78. These Things are True
79. To God Be The Glory
80. Trust and Obey
81. Unbounded Grace
82. We Gather Together
83. What a Friend We Have in Jesus
84. When I Survey
85. Whiter Than Snow
86. Wonderful Grace of Jesus
87. Worship the King
88. I Sing The Mighty Power of God
89. Thine Is the Glory
90. Gloria Patri
91. O God Beyond All Praising
92. From All That Dwell Beneath the Skies (Tune: All Creatures)
93. Psalm 46C
94. Psalm 148
95. Beneath the Blood Stained Lintel
96. Eternal Father Strong to Save (Navy Hymn)
97. Great Is the Lord Our God ( Tune: Soldiers of Christ Arise)
98. Psalm 98
99. I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord.
100. O Thou in Whose Presence
101. Let Us With a Gladsome Mind
102. Psalm 22
103. More Secure Is No One Ever
104. Psalm 119 X
105. More Secure is No One Ever
106. Tender Mercies
107. Arise, Arise
108. In Christ Alone
109. Sing to Jesus
110. St Patrick's Breastplate
111. Non Nobis Domine
112. Isaiah 43
113. You Are Holy (Prince of Peace)
114. The Basin and The Towel
115. Jesus' Name
116. Blessed Be Your Name
117. In the Shadow of the Glorious Cross
118. Before the Throne
119. My Chain are Gone

I have four binders with the hymns in this order. For a family project alphabetic ordering is the easiest way to find a hymn. For years we would get to a hymn and have to remember which hymn book we had learned it out of. We had Christian and Missionary Alliance hymnbooks, Baptist, The Trinity Hymnal, and Psalters, etc. It was very confusing. One summer I printed out all the hymns either directly from the hymnbook we owned or from the Cyberhymnal. We then made 4 notebooks, some are in page protectors and others aren't. After this year I will try and get all four hymnals redone so that every page is in a page protector. I also need bigger notebooks now. Since we originally made the notebooks we have added 17 hymns. You can see where our original hymns stop at (O) Worship the King.

You can also see how our taste has changed over the years. I think the first hymn we learned this way was Blessed Assurance. I remember going to church one Wednesday night and hearing our pastor's children singing that without the hymnbook, I went home and added hymns to our morning meeting. I think Timothy was 6. Some of these songs I don't even like anymore but some will never grow old.

One of our family favorites is My Anchor Holds, but we have found not many people know it.

Let me repeat: We are terrible singers, not counting my dh. We rarely sing in public anymore although Tim used to sing with the kids at churches when they were little. They did a pretty awesome Judy Rogers' Listen My Son.

I tried to talk the children into singing Coram Deo at the Reformation Party the other night but after one practice I conceded that we sounded awful. Tim actually left the room in the middle of our practice.

Then during the Reformation Day skits and stuff, poor little Andrew turned to me with fear in his eyes and said, "We aren't doing the Modern Major General, are we?" We all got a kick out of that.

1 comment:

Theresa said...

We just sang My Anchor Holds this week at church. It is the first time in the two years that we have been there that I've heard it and I loved it.
